Sunday, April 17, 2005

Le Diable dans la Forêt

devil's forest
This is the love child of Devil's Food Cake & Black Forest... I call it Le Diable dans la Forêt .


Kokobom is ol ebaut pinat, almon, kofi en tu meni difrend taips of coklat. It is definetli de wei tu go tu mek yor dei beter... wi stard with e dens coklat-pinut-almond kek, koverd with e leyer of coklat, e leyer of wip krim, copd coklat pises, ganisd with coklat bater krim en glesd ceri.

You want a piece of me!?

These two cakes cost me 6 hours in the kitchen and a nightmare about chocolate butter cream, and you know... I really loved it, except for the nightmare bit.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005


Tadinya bingung nih mau dikasi nama apa, trus berdasarkan komposisi makanan ini, akhirnya Kiki beri nama Ambruadul. Komposisinya: roast-potato sisa kemarin , capsicum/paprika hijau, sambel hijau ala Padang, trus keju Feta... bawahnya saus tomat yg buanyak banget, tambah oregano dan bawang putih cincang. Eng-ing-eng, g jamin nga bakalan keracunan, buktinya Kiki masih idup... walaupun kekebalan perut ini sebenarnya berkat rajin jajan di luar pagar SD dan SMP.

Friday, April 01, 2005

Les tours de chocolat

Voila, Les trois tours de chocolat for Hennu’s friends. All I was told was that three of her friends were having a sort of birthday party. I assume that it’s the Three Musketeers. Happy birthday, girls (or boys) !
I should start a business. Any keen investors out there?